3 lawsuits against water park for negligence

Hand Holding Pen And Writing Something

An Ontario water park is facing civil action after consumers claimed that they were seriously hurt at the entertainment location. One woman claimed she suffered serious brain injuries in a wave pool on July 25, 2010, in a lawsuit filed on May 28. In addition, she suffered cuts to her face after she claimed she was pulled under the water and her head was pounded against the pool wall. She is seeking $250,000 in compensation in the lawsuit charging the facility with negligence, unsafe premises and failing to exercise its duty to her.

Overview of brain injuries

Brain Injury on Xray

The devastation of a brain injury for residents of Ontario and others across the country can be life-changing. In an instant, a person’s life can shatter via a car accident, a football injury or a fall off a stepladder. The medical community has placed increasing attention on the problem of brain injuries, especially in the last three decades. Advances in research and technology mean that people who might have previously died will now live. However, the cost in terms of finances, social changes and mental effects can be enormous.

Brain injuries not rare in Ontario

Doctor Doing Treatment

It is estimated that 44 new cases of brain injury occur each day in Ontario. A brain injury can occur when a person suffers trauma or has the oxygen supply to the brain cut off. In most cases, brain injuries occur in accidents of some sort that may have been caused by the injured individual or someone else. In other cases, the person may have suffered a stroke or other medical emergency that cut off oxygen to the brain.

Recovery and rehabilitation following a severe brain injury

Brain Injury on Xray

When a person in Ontario is involved in an accident that causes them to suffer a severe brain injury, their family can expect a lengthy recovery and rehabilitation process to follow. Immediately following the accident, neurosurgery may need to be performed immediately to reduce brain bleeding and reduce pressure from fluids.

Brain Injury: Looking beyond the physical damage

Anxious Girl Looking For Help

When you hear the term “traumatic brain injury,” it does not take the imagination very long to conjure up an idea of the physical damage associated with such an injury. The psychological damage, however, is another matter altogether. In fact, it is nearly impossible to “see” with the casual eye the kinds of underlying damage brain injuries cause the victims. In most cases, such damage presents as changes in behavior and emotion.

New test can differentiate TBI from PTSD

PTSD Definition Document

An injury to the brain should always be taken seriously because of the devastating affect it can have on the life of the person who has suffered it. Because of this, it is important that the injured individual receive the best possible treatment for the condition.

Symptoms that accompany a brain injury can be debilitating

Brain Injury on Xray

Just because someone looks healthy–without any obvious external injuries–does not mean that they are. Individuals who have suffered a brain injury, as well as their loved ones, know this all too well. The injury can reveal itself in a wide variety of symptoms that may disappear before too long, or might last for months, or even years on end. The symptoms can be physical, cognitive and emotional.

Study links PTSD to weakened brain connectivity


The effects of a brain injury can be long-lasting and forever change the lives of not only those who suffer the injury but their caretakers as well. Since this devastating injury can impact so many people, it is not surprising that a variety of studies would be conducted in conjunction with the injury.