Discover our blog with articles related to personal injury law, business litigation law, and insurance litigation.
Power of Attorney
What happens if you get sick or have an accident and lose your mental capacity. Who is going to look after you? Who is going to pay your bills. Who is going to help you with doctors? If you have to go to a nursing home or other care facility what happens to your house? ...
Read MoreSidewalks
Every winter clients come to my office because they have fallen on a City sidewalk and hurt themselves. If this has happened to you then you need to immediately contact a lawyer. If you don’t report the fall to the Municipality within 10 days then you might lose all rights. It is extremely important that ...
Read MoreLong-term Disability Insurance, Insurers & Denied Disability Benefits
Our work is crucial to our ability to forge a good life for you. If we want a family, a car, or a house, gainful employment is vital. Of course, one of the biggest risks in life is when we get sick, have an accident, and cannot work. What happens then? It is always a ...
Read MoreSleep
The older I get the more I come to realize how important it is too sleep well. Sleeping well is incredibly important to our overall health and well being. In the last twenty years a lot of research has gone into studying sleep and the effects of good or poor sleep on over all health. ...
Read MoreAccident Benefits
Ontario’s current automobile insurance regime can be quite complicated and if you have had a serious car accident you should definitely consult with a lawyer. One of the most misunderstood aspects of Ontario auto insurance law is the no fault component. Most clients are surprised when I tell them that they must advise their own ...
Read MoreLeft Turns
When you are driving the most dangerous maneuver is when you make a left turn. In Ontario the Highway traffic Act provides that it is the responsibility of the person making the left turn to make sure the left turn can be made in safety. Here is the problem – let’s say you entered an ...
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