How to win an argument

Justice Statue

Recently, Justice Rothstein retired from the Supreme Court of Canada. He was a long serving judge and who saw some of the country’s best lawyers at work before him in the Supreme Court.

Changing Lawyers

Buildings Model

The other day a client came to my office that had been involved in an accident many years ago. The claim sounded serious and he appeared to be anxious and highly stressed, insisting on telling me the entire story. I asked a few questions, but told him as politely as I could that I could not help him. It was not what he wanted to hear especially so early in the interview. He asked why, but it was pretty simple.

New Law, Less Money (Again…)

An Ambulance

If you’ve been reading this blog, you know that changes have been made in Ontario to deductibles for pain and suffering from car accidents. Those changes mean less money in the pockets of car accident victims. The provincial government is at it again, this time reducing accident benefits or no-fault benefits available to car accident victims in a variety of ways.