Henson Trust

Henson Trust

We all know that life poses challenges for all of us. Without a doubt if you have a disabled child or person living at home, either because they were born that way, or they had an accident, or they became sick, life is just a little more challenging for you. Most likely the disabled person …

Exchange of information

Exchange of information (1)

If you are in a car accident as a pedestrian, on a bicycle, or in another car chances are that when it happens you will be in shock. And when you are in shock your body will produce adrenalin. Adrenalin is released into our bodies in situations of danger to sharpen our minds. It does …

Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney

What happens if you get sick or have an accident and lose your mental capacity. Who is going to look after you? Who is going to pay your bills. Who is going to help you with doctors? If you have to go to a nursing home or other care facility what happens to your house? …

Left Turns


When you are driving the most dangerous maneuver is when you make a left turn. In Ontario the Highway traffic Act provides that it is the responsibility of the person making the left turn to make sure the left turn can be made in safety. Here is the problem – let’s say you entered an …

Accident Benefits


Ontario’s current automobile insurance regime can be quite complicated and if you have had a serious car accident you should definitely consult with a lawyer. One of the most misunderstood aspects of Ontario auto insurance law is the no fault component. Most clients are surprised when I tell them that they must advise their own …