

It seems that every generation of lawyers has it’s own example of poor behavior and poor decorum by a lawyer or a judge. When I was coming up as a young lawyer, a Toronto lawyer was famous for pouring a cup of coffee over the notes of the opposing lawyer. A judge, who I was …



In Ontario good lawyers are expensive. And a lot of people don’t have the money needed to hire a lawyer. Most lawyers require payment up front. That’s one of the reasons why at our firm and most other personal injury firms in Ontario we work on what is commonly known as a contingency fee basis. …

Overlapping Injuries

Overlapping Injuries

It can be very challenging when you hurt yourself in an accident or a fall. And it usually gets even worse if you have a second accident or fall before you completely recover from your first accident. When it comes to multiple accidents and multiple injuries things can get a little complicated. The easy scenario …

Limitation Periods

Limitation Periods

A limitation period is the time a person has to start a court action. In Ontario, most but not all, limitation periods are two years. If you miss the two years and don’t start the court action then you lose all or your rights. The important question is when do those two years begin to …

Litigation Guardian

Litigation Guardian

What happens if your ten year old son or daughter get hurt in an accident due to someone’s negligence? Or what happens if you as an adult get hurt in an accident and lose your mental capacity? How do you sue the at fault party? A ten year old child and a mentally incapable person …



Fifteen million Canadians are boaters. In Canada we have about two million lakes plus the longest coastline in the world. In Ontario we have about 250,000 lakes. We have a lot of pleasure boats. In Canada marine law is the jurisdiction of the federal government and not the provinces. If you are a boater having …

Ontario PGT

Ontario PGT

When I first heard of the existence of the office of the Ontario Public Guardian and Trustee I was quite amazed. Here was an institution in Ontario, funded by the government of Ontario, who’s mandate was to protect the well being of incapable adults. Their job is to protect adults from harm who are incapable …

Disability Lump Sum

Disability Lump Sum

Say you are 40 years old and became totally and permanently disabled. Your insurance company is paying you long term disability benefits. Are you entitled to ask the insurance company to instead give you all money up front in one big payment? Well you can ask. And the answer is maybe. If the insurer is …