Could psychedelic drugs be used to treat PTSD?

could pyshedelic drugs

In previous posts we have written about how post traumatic stress disorder could be a side effect following a brain injury or a traumatic event such as a car accident. This debilitating condition can make life difficult for those suffering from it causing a variety of symptoms including anxiety, feelings of avoidance, trouble concentrating and issues with sleeping. They may appear for a short period of time or, in other situations, last for years. They can be difficult not only for those suffering from it but close friends and family as well. There is no one treatment that can address the symptoms.

Brain injuries and PTSD

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Brian injuries are undeniably a complex injury. In addition to sometimes being difficult to diagnose, because no two people are exactly the same, their recoveries can vary greatly. For some, post-traumatic stress disorder is a part of the aftermath. This is true regardless of how the traumatic brain injury is incurred.