

The older I get the more I come to realize how important it is too sleep well. Sleeping well is incredibly important to our overall health and well being. In the last twenty years a lot of research has gone into studying sleep and the effects of good or poor sleep on over all health. …

The Size of the Claim Doesn’t Matter


The other day a client came into my office after being in a car accident. She wasn’t sure if we could help her because she thought that we only take on big cases, not small ones. I was surprised to hear this because it’s simply not true. We take on both big and small cases. …

Could psychedelic drugs be used to treat PTSD?

could pyshedelic drugs

In previous posts we have written about how post traumatic stress disorder could be a side effect following a brain injury or a traumatic event such as a car accident. This debilitating condition can make life difficult for those suffering from it causing a variety of symptoms including anxiety, feelings of avoidance, trouble concentrating and issues with sleeping. They may appear for a short period of time or, in other situations, last for years. They can be difficult not only for those suffering from it but close friends and family as well. There is no one treatment that can address the symptoms.

Blood test for brain injury in children shows great promise

blood test for brain injury

Between Canada and the United States combined, children suffer more than 300,000 concussions each year. Brain injuries can potentially result in serious repercussions for those living with them. The best way to avoid this is to receive the treatment necessary in a timely manner. Before that can happen however, the condition must first be diagnosed. Since the symptoms of a brain injury can vary and be hard to recognize this is not always easy to do. CT scans and x-rays alone are not definitive and may expose patients to radiation unnecessarily.